
- Conference Declaration on Conflict Prevention and Resolution in the Horn of Africa. This was a result of the Internatonal conference on conflict prevention and resolution in the Horn of Africa held at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas on November 11/2011.
- Horn
of Africa Peace and Development Center congratulates
- Southern Methodist University in collaboration with The Horn of Africa Peace and Development Center presents: THE SOMALIA CRISIS: Implications for the Horn of Africa and the World
(Monday February 22nd
Reception at 6:30pm
Panel Discussion at 7pm
McCord Auditorium, 3rd Floor of Dallas Hall
Southern Methodist University). Click here for a short
introduction of the Horn of Africa Peace and Development Center.
- Horn of Africa - from glory to misery and hope (written in Amharic)
- Press Release: Which Way Somalia: Continued Anarchy Or Peace?
- Proceedings of International Conference on A Development Strategy for the Horn of Africa
October 20-22, 2006, Africa Program, The University of Texas, Arlington
- A Call for Immediate and Appropriate Action in Somalia
- A Call for Immediate and Effective Action in Somalia. Letter of
appeal the center sent to the United Nations, the African Union,
the Council of the European Union and President George W. Bush for
immediate and effective intervention by the international
community in Somalia.
- Presentation by Yussuf Kalib at the 4th International Conference on Ethiopian Development Studies (ICEDS) on Peace and Development in Ethiopia and Northeast Africa held at Western Michigan University August 2-4, 2007.
- Second Horn of Africa Community meeting held on June 3, 2007 to discuss the war in Somalia and the overall situation in the region. Keynote Speaker: Ambassador David Shinn, former US Ambassador to Ethiopia.
- First Horn of Africa Community Meeting - Ambassador Tibor P. Nagy, former US Ambassador to Ethiopia, was the keynote speaker.
- Listen to an interview on Voice of America (Amharic Service - February 9/2007) about our center's mission and goals.
- Letter sent to the Senate Foreign Relations Sub Committee on Africa by Dallas Peace Center and Horn of Africa Peace and Development Center. The purpose of the letter was to appeal for USA Action for sustainable peace in Somalia.
- Listen to an interview on Voice of America (Amharic Service) about the conference that ended on October 22/2006.
- AN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON A DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY FOR THE HORN OF AFRICA - Conference Program, Conference Background, Conference Flyer (October 20 -22, 2006

The Horn of Africa Peace and Development Center is a 501c(3) non-profit, civic organization, registered in the United States. The Center is dedicated to the vision of attaining a durable peace and stability along with an accelerated socio-economic development in the African sub-region comprising Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia and Somalia. The organization's vision includes the achievement of an environment, in the Horn of Africa, where the people, currently about 100 million and estimated to increase to 185 million by 2025, will no longer live under a grinding poverty, where pandemic diseases such as HIV/AIDS and malaria are substantially curtailed, if not eliminated, where the rule of law prevails under a governance that is democratic, transparent and accountable, and where an effective partnership in international security and trade will have been strengthened substantially.
Horn of Africa Peace and Development Center's mission is to initiate and facilitate informed discussions, research and studies on all vital issues that have relevance to the organization's vision including economic, trade, social, political, environmental, etc. aspects of importance to the sub-region in order to generate effective and practical ideas as well as strategies and action plans that can be implemented by the respective governments, concerned regional and international organizations, and civic bodies.
Armed conflict has been the hallmark of the region for more than half a century. Whether the underlying cause was ethnic nationalism, competition for resources, the egomania of its leaders, or the involvement of outside forces, the region’s past has been characterized by confrontation rather than cooperation and coexistence. This has cost the region in blood and treasure, preventing it from realizing its full potential. This past of violent conflict and mutual distrust hangs over the people of the region. Will that past continue to be an albatross around our necks, condemning the region to continued mutual destruction, or would we learn from it to formulate new ideas and insights that help us change our ways and move the community to a higher plane characterized by peace, democracy, human rights, and mutual understanding of our common destiny. It is against this backdrop that Ethiopians, Somalis, Eritreans, and Djiboutians have come together to form the Horn of Africa Peace and Development Center to make sure that we choose the latter course and invest the time and resources necessary for its realization.
The Center will engage the community at all levels, both public and private, and implement projects to enhance mutual understanding between the various nationalities, bridging the gap through education and information. These projects include democracy and good governance workshops, seminars, commissioned studies, and targeted scholarships in all the countries of the Horn.
The countries of the region are endowed with great potential in both human and material resources. It is ironic that the people in the HOA suffer extreme levels of poverty, while they live in a sub-region which is rich in natural resources. With more efficient management, these resources could dramatically transform the economic conditions of the population and alleviate their suffering. The irony is much more pronounced when considering the fact that while Ethiopia suffers from recurring droughts, its waters (Blue Nile) cascade to Egypt providing it with 85% of its needs.
It is well known that the HOA has vast agricultural, water, mineral and energy resources, which continue to await appropriate policy (including a more practical system of land tenure), planning, investment and development. There is no doubt that a more efficient exploitation of the available natural resources through strategic measures such as the improvement of the backward agricultural system as well as the poor infrastructure throughout the sub-region and the introduction of irrigation systems could effectively bolster the economic performance of the sub-region. An effective change from the current anachronistic system of access to land in parts of the region to one based on private land ownership could bring about a substantial improvement in the performance of the agricultural sector.
It is also worth noting that the youthful population of nearly 100 million in the HOA could provide not only an abundant reservoir of human resources but also generate a substantial demand for goods and services that would benefit the international community in the long run.
Situated as it is along the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean, the HOA and its ports could become major entrepots of international commerce and trade. Additionally, as part of the international collaboration in dealing with global terrorism, USA and France have established military facilities in the Horn of Africa.
Conference Papers & Literature